A Big Blue Water Cooler is a Safe Water Cooler
Envirosafe Service Standard - 25 Steps to water cooler hygiene
Big Blue’s proactive service management policy is combined with Anolyte – New Zealand’s leading edge, eco-friendly,  organic sanitation solution. ANK Neutral Anolyte is a global phenomena that has been adopted throughout North America and Europe by forward looking water companies. ANK Neutral Anolyte is widely utilised across many industries, from Fonterra sites to Childcare Centres, the benign nature of the product ensures users have a clear point of difference in meeting their hygiene expectations.
All Big Blue Rental and Service plans include servicing and maintenance to the Envirosafe Standard, including filter changes, so for as little as $7.90 + gst per week you can have a water cooler and a full service package.
The hygiene standard of our water solutions is market leading.
Big Blue is the only NZ water cooler company to use the active ingredient ANK Neutral Anolyte in the internal sanitisation of our water solutions – ANK Neutral Anolyte, a powerful, non-toxic natural antiseptic sanitiser that is designed and used internationally for the treatment of drinking water. Anolyte will effectively treat all water borne pathogens including Legionnaires, E.coli and Giardia.
If for any reason you are not happy with your water cooler service please call us, we will come back and get your water cooler to your standard – no questions asked.
Eco Friendly & Certified Organic
Our Proactive Servicing Program ensures:
- Our water coolers are safe and hygenic to drink from
- Any wear and tear to the water cooler is rectified – before it causes deterioration to your drinking customer experience
- There is no loss in filtration quality
- The potential for leaks are minimised
All Big Blue Water Cooler Sanitisation Technicians are trained (and regularly tested) to follow the 25 Step Big Blue Water Cooler Sanitisation Process – Envirosafe.
You don’t have to have one of our water coolers to benefit from our service plans – just give our friendly team a call to see how we can help.
If you would like to find out more about Anolyte and its amazing properties please visit www.envirolyte.co.nz for further information.
Our Core Values
It’s about being part of a team.
Respect is about treating your teammates how you expect to be treated, it’s about working hard as a team and making sure you are always backing up your team, not pulling them down.
Same team. Same Direction. Same Goals. Everyone has a voice.
It’s about acting as if you were in the customer’s shoes.
Integrity is about sense checking yourself, would you be happy if you were the customer?
We will always deliver on what we promise our customers, we set and hold ourselves to a very high set of standards.
Number One
Cause there’s no prizes for second place.
It’s about wanting to be the best in the industry.
It’s a value that sets the tone of our company, we want to win in a competitive market place and we aren’t ashamed of it.